Water Testing Feild Trip

Our class went to Lake Jackson’s Meginnis arm.  We divided into groups and tested the water for nitrate ( mine!), pH, dissolved oxygen and turbitity.  We tested in 3 different locations along Meginnis arm.  Our group ended up not doing the testing because we didn’t have the right little tablet.  We recorded the results in journals.  Some people took videos of what was going on or interviewed people about what they were doing.  Overall, it was really fun!

The Sasses go to Colorado

The Sasses hate taking off in an airplane, but love the landing sensation.

 When we got off the plane in Colorado I threw up  from all the coke I had on the plane ride; it was awful.

 Afterwards, we got on a bus that took us to a rental car agency, ware we got our rental car. We got a white Highlander, which was very shiny.

On the ride to our cabin, the car got all muddy from the dirt road that we had been traveling on. When we got the to the cabin we unpacked and went out for dinner.

 When we got to the restaurant we decided to eat outside, and let me tell you it was pretty cold compared to Florida! For dinner I had shrimp with a side order of salad. When the food came out I gobbled my salad down and  I realized that that salad was the best salad I had ever had in my life. When my shrimp came out I almost upchucked the shrimp, it was horrible

. I had to go threw a whole week with a whole bunch of ups and downs. It was crazy!




My Family Trip to Hawaii

My family trip to Hawaii started with a very, very, very, long trip on the plane.  I felt like we would never get off of the plane.  When we first got to Hawaii we had to find our hotel.  My mom had to find the person she worked with as she was there to do some work at first.  My dad and I got to explore Hawaii initially when my mom was at work.  

Hawaii is a very beautiful place.  I was surprised by how many people live there and were visiting.  There were so many people, I had to work hard to keep up with my family.  There were some great things and some crazy things that happened when I was in Hawaii.

Starting with the great things, going to the biggest mall was fun because they had one of the biggest arcade I ever seen.  There was also a great big swap shop at the Aloha stadium.  At the swap shop I got some really great toys and gifts for my family members who were at home.  We also visited the Waikiki Aquarium and saw some really neat tropical fish and even saw a sea horse.  We also went to the beach and watch the sun set each night.  We learned that Hawaii had many customs that were different from ours.  There were a lot of things that were focused around their native dances.  We also went to the Paradise Cove luau and saw how the cooked a pig under ground.  In Hawaii this type of cooking is called KāluaKālua is a traditional Hawaiian cooking method that utilizes an imu, or underground oven.  The word kālua literally means “to cook in an underground oven” and also describes the flavor of food cooked in this manner in the ground.  We also saw fire dancers and saw a man climb a tree.  But the greatest thing that happened was that we were there during Halloween and I dressed up like a private.  My dad dressed up like a Hawaiian native and none of us can remember what my mom was dressed as.  In Hawaii many people celebrate Halloween.  There were many people out on the streets when I went trick or treating. 

On the flip side there were some crazy things that happened.  First of all, a bird attacked me when I got my food.  Then we saw two women fighting on the street and nobody stopped the fight.  But the most crazes thing was when we were at the luau after I went to the bathroom I forgot to buckle my belt and when I walked out of the bathroom my pants fell down.  Luckily, I pulled them my pants fast before anyone could see.  Okay my dad did see.

Overall I would say I had a great time in Hawaii with my family and I would like to go back one day.  However if I could make a wish I would want the plane ride to be shorter.


By Ross

A Trip to Cape San Blas

My dad and I decided to head down to the beach for a day or so this past summer.  After being in the car for an hour and a half, I start to see glimpses of the water.  About 30 minutes later we arrived at our beach house and unpacked, then I helped my dad turn the water on at the meter, and I went down to the beach.  There I saw hundreds of little blue things that looked a lot like jellyfish, but we weren’t quite sure what they were.  They had flat disc-like bodies with little blue tentacles coming off of them in all directions.  If one had floated away in the water then you could see a blue stain on the sand where it had been.  We didn’t want to swim with them so we checked the water to see if they were floating around, and they were so we decided not to swim.

For the rest of the day I collected little periwinkles.  Those are the little colorful shells that bury themselves in the sand when the tide washes away.  We made sand castles with moats, sand walls surrounding them to block the water.

I took a walk with my dad at sunset, saw some dolphins, then headed up to our house for some dinner.  We played some cards and watched some things on TV.

The next morning, we had some breakfast and headed to the beach again.  Those blue things were still there but we got in the water, but only up to our knees.  Since we had to drive to pick up my sister and her friend, Alex, from Gainesville, we had to pack up and get on the road.

Family Trip to the Beach for Thanksgiving

At 6:30 pm the majority of the family got piled-up in the car and ready for the 2 hour drive to St.George Island . I’d been waiting for about 10 to 15 minutes, and was kind-of  loosing it when my parents FINALLY packed the last items into the back of the truck .

After about an hour of driving we went to get dinner at [I’m sorry to say. . . . . . ] McDonalds :(. I had chicken nuggets [a.k.a chicken parts] and a sprite, it wasn’t bad for fast-food. Then we were on the road again, this time we were not going to stop until we got to the place were the keys to our rental house we were staying in that night. After grabbing the keys we would take the short drive to the very back of the St.George Island Plantation where my grandma’s beach house was located.

 When we got there my sister and grandmother were waiting for us, they greeted us with warm hugs and kisses. After a few minutes of contemplating, I decided that I wanted to spend the night at my grandmother’s beach house for the night with my sister Jane, instead of going to the rental house with her as planed. I have to admit I’m quite glad I decided to, because for one  thing I didn’t want to drive  ANOTHER

mile further, secondly I wanted to catch up on things with Jane plus my grandma’s ADORABLE

and I MEAN adorable dog Copper was there with them. So I stayed the night with Jane and my grandma that night. The next day my grandma took Jane and I to the local bookstore, because she needed a good book to read. When we were there Jane and I also got books, I got Eggs by Jerry Spinelie and A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline L’ engle. Then we went to the rental house to see my mom and brother Zach. The house was breathtakingly. . . . . . . .AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

It was 3 stories tall, the first story was pretty much just the front foyer and a small bedroom. the second story was a series of 3 bedrooms my parents slept in a master bedroom  that was complete with a HUGE bathtub that was at least a foot and a half deep. Zach slept also in a master but his was MUCH smaller than my parents room[ just a side note: all the bedrooms were masters]. However my sister and I shared a room that had two small lay-out twin beds with side tables and lamps. The final story had a living space and a kitchen. The rest of  the days we spent at the beach were either spent with family or down at the beach. One of the days we were at the beach was Thanksgiving, the food was AMAZING mostly because everyone in my family including me are VERY good cooks. We made sweet poatoes with marshmellows and pecans.  Overall the trip was great, I REALLY enjoyed it.


one of my worst trips ever

 If you were in Virginia Living Museum on May5,2003 you probably would have herd a blood curdling screech it came from a small gril(about 4years old) who was writhing on pain on the floor if you had asked what happend you probably would hear this from one of the girl’s relatives: she was running with her cousin and tripped and hit her head on this plaque about sea turtles.  And that would be the end of it but I had to see what happened next.  After 30 min. in a wating room she was finally let in to get stiched up and boy was she mad when she saw the sharp things that were going to go any were near her eye she was kicking and screming when she was pulled out sewed up and let go but she was still mad and will never forget that day no sir.


My mom, dad and my 2 sisters and I are all crammed in the car with the tent, the bags of clothes, camp kitchen, a blow up bed, a few blankets, pillows, coolers, food, flashlights, and more.

When we got to the campsite at F.D.R. State Park we unloaded the car. We started by pitching the tent. Then we blew up the air bed. We were ready for our friends to come and the fun to start!

When they came we helped them unpack and pitch their tents and we got in the cars and went out. We went to a wild animal park and rented a van and rode in a big area full of animals like buffalooxpigs, and elephants. They all came up and stuck their heads in the window and sniffed us for food. One of our friends is really funny and kept saying things like, “Can I buy you a breath mint?” and “Do you use Colgate?” My dad kept telling our other friend to kiss the animals as they leaned in.

When we finally got back to the campsite we ate dinner and were just falling asleep when it started to pour down rain. By the end of the night we had a lake in our tent. Even though we were able to canoe in our tent at the end of the night it was a fun way to end the trip!

The Best and Worst Family Trip Ever

You are at home and it’s the day you are going to Conecticut (to see your grandma and your cousins). You are very excited. You  put your bag in the car and drive off to the air port.


You are in the air plane and you are very board. The air plane is in the air and you are still board. Then some one’s baby starts to cry, so then you look in the Skymall book thing but you don’t like anything they have in it.


Your at your cousin’s house playing tons of mind rotting video games.

Interesting Facts About Our American Flag

I read a book titled Stars and Stripes and learned some interesting facts about the American Flag. 

  • Did you know the first flag to fly in the thirteen American colonies was the English flag
  • Did you know the American colonies use to belong to England
  • Did you know it was only after the colonist and British went to war then some Americans thought they should have their own flag
  • Did you know that the seven red stripes and six white stripes stand for the thirteen original American colonies
  • Did you know that some people believe that Betsy Ross made the first flag
  • Did you know that the stars are lined up in a special way so that one tip of each star on the flag is pointed upward
  • Did you know that there is still room for more stars if we get more states but never will the stripes change because it would make the flag to long

Just some facts I thought I would share.

From Ross

My Family Trip to Yellow Stone

I’m going to tell you about a trip I went on with my family.We went to Yellow Stone.when we got to our hotel I saw how the rooms were very nice,but there was NO TV !!!( I was terrified).

So for entertainment Iwould  lye on my back and think about what I could be doing back in back at my house in Tallahassee. But when we went out side I thought about what I couldn’t be doing back in Tallahassee.

 There was snow falling from the somewhat light blue sky,and the constant pane in my back because  of  my 14 year old brother pelting me in the back with snow balls ( I was excited to turn around and pelt him with a snow ball ). At the same time I was feeling bad for my mom and dad who where back in Tallahassee ( I was there with my grandmother Jean and my brother Lars ).

I knew what would get my mind off of  it a nice long snooze WOW !!! time fly when your being pelted with snow balls.



I woke up.

My brother and grandma  where already awake  and dressed I threw on some jeans, jacket , some glove’s, and a hat and we where off to go Rock Climbing.

 When we got to the Grand Tea Tons my grandma left my brother and I with the Rock Climbing instector we hiked up the mountain and got to a somewhat flat spot with boulders 50 feet tall. The instructor tot my brother and I how to belay.

It was my turn to climb about 25 feet up the rock I started to slip I looked down to see if the instructor was watching me then I saw my brother was belaying me.

 The boy who I fight with verbally and fiscally ,had my life in his hand’s . Luckily I made it home alive once I got home as SO SO SO SO SO SO SO excited to sleep in my personel bed once more.