My Family Trip to Yellow Stone

I’m going to tell you about a trip I went on with my family.We went to Yellow Stone.when we got to our hotel I saw how the rooms were very nice,but there was NO TV !!!( I was terrified).

So for entertainment Iwould  lye on my back and think about what I could be doing back in back at my house in Tallahassee. But when we went out side I thought about what I couldn’t be doing back in Tallahassee.

 There was snow falling from the somewhat light blue sky,and the constant pane in my back because  of  my 14 year old brother pelting me in the back with snow balls ( I was excited to turn around and pelt him with a snow ball ). At the same time I was feeling bad for my mom and dad who where back in Tallahassee ( I was there with my grandmother Jean and my brother Lars ).

I knew what would get my mind off of  it a nice long snooze WOW !!! time fly when your being pelted with snow balls.



I woke up.

My brother and grandma  where already awake  and dressed I threw on some jeans, jacket , some glove’s, and a hat and we where off to go Rock Climbing.

 When we got to the Grand Tea Tons my grandma left my brother and I with the Rock Climbing instector we hiked up the mountain and got to a somewhat flat spot with boulders 50 feet tall. The instructor tot my brother and I how to belay.

It was my turn to climb about 25 feet up the rock I started to slip I looked down to see if the instructor was watching me then I saw my brother was belaying me.

 The boy who I fight with verbally and fiscally ,had my life in his hand’s . Luckily I made it home alive once I got home as SO SO SO SO SO SO SO excited to sleep in my personel bed once more. 


4 thoughts on “My Family Trip to Yellow Stone

  1. Seriously, Augie.
    Could you go one week with no TV?
    If not, you must be in LOVE with your TV.

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