Family Trip to the Beach for Thanksgiving

At 6:30 pm the majority of the family got piled-up in the car and ready for the 2 hour drive to St.George Island . I’d been waiting for about 10 to 15 minutes, and was kind-of  loosing it when my parents FINALLY packed the last items into the back of the truck .

After about an hour of driving we went to get dinner at [I’m sorry to say. . . . . . ] McDonalds :(. I had chicken nuggets [a.k.a chicken parts] and a sprite, it wasn’t bad for fast-food. Then we were on the road again, this time we were not going to stop until we got to the place were the keys to our rental house we were staying in that night. After grabbing the keys we would take the short drive to the very back of the St.George Island Plantation where my grandma’s beach house was located.

 When we got there my sister and grandmother were waiting for us, they greeted us with warm hugs and kisses. After a few minutes of contemplating, I decided that I wanted to spend the night at my grandmother’s beach house for the night with my sister Jane, instead of going to the rental house with her as planed. I have to admit I’m quite glad I decided to, because for one  thing I didn’t want to drive  ANOTHER

mile further, secondly I wanted to catch up on things with Jane plus my grandma’s ADORABLE

and I MEAN adorable dog Copper was there with them. So I stayed the night with Jane and my grandma that night. The next day my grandma took Jane and I to the local bookstore, because she needed a good book to read. When we were there Jane and I also got books, I got Eggs by Jerry Spinelie and A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline L’ engle. Then we went to the rental house to see my mom and brother Zach. The house was breathtakingly. . . . . . . .AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

It was 3 stories tall, the first story was pretty much just the front foyer and a small bedroom. the second story was a series of 3 bedrooms my parents slept in a master bedroom  that was complete with a HUGE bathtub that was at least a foot and a half deep. Zach slept also in a master but his was MUCH smaller than my parents room[ just a side note: all the bedrooms were masters]. However my sister and I shared a room that had two small lay-out twin beds with side tables and lamps. The final story had a living space and a kitchen. The rest of  the days we spent at the beach were either spent with family or down at the beach. One of the days we were at the beach was Thanksgiving, the food was AMAZING mostly because everyone in my family including me are VERY good cooks. We made sweet poatoes with marshmellows and pecans.  Overall the trip was great, I REALLY enjoyed it.