I.T.B.S Agent Police Files


WARNING: Proprety of Officer Jacobs of C.I.P.D. DO not Touch

Agent Mich


Name: Mich Chad Smith    

Motivation: Tricking Children Worldwide

Motto: ” Once a jerk, always a jerk!”

Weakness: Gleefull Children

Gender: Male

Rank: 10 [ out of 10 agents]

W.T.O[What.They.Do]: Smiles evily at passers by, and is the villan in EVERY game he plays. How? that question is yet to be dertirmend.

Agent Laura

Name: Laura Jane Watson    

Motivation: Inocent Children walking by her house

Motto: “I kill you!”

Weakness: Her Mom

Gender: Female

Rank: 9[out of 10 agents]

W.T.D.: texts and emails friends

Agent Ken

Name: Ken Gorge Furgus   

Motivation: Trickery and Scheme

Motto: See ’em go, don’t let ’em go.”

Weakness: Death

Gender: Male

Rank: 4 [out of ten agents]


Agent Thomas


Name: Thomas Bob Nelson   

Motivation: easy homework givin to highschoolers

Motto: ” He who hesitates is lost.”

Weakness: Potetional girlfriends

Gender: Male

Rank: 4 ( out of  10 agents)

W.T.D.: Mostly creating tests impossible to finish 

 Agent Candace


Name: Candace Marie Tin    

Motivation: Stumping younger brothers on tests not designed for their age level

Motto: ” You’re toatlly busted!”

Weskness: boyfriend Germy

Gender: female

W.T.D: hangs-out with friend Macey

Rank: 8 ( Out of ten agents)

Agent Bobby

Name: Bobby Joe Hanson

Motivation: Heavy eye Make-up

Motto: ” Once a child, always a brat.”

Weakness: Video Camera

Gender: Male

W.T.D: Searches web for completely random facts

Rank: 7( out of ten agents)


Agent Joel



Name: Joel Brown Alpacka

Motivation: Newley improved websites

Motto: ” Won’t do it now, won’t do it later.”

Weakness: meal times

W.T.D: loads spam and spyware into random websites ( our blog is next!)

Rank: 6 ( out of ten agents)

Agent Tanner

Name: Tanner William Jones          

Motivation: Violent video games

Motto: “Never EVER judge a man by his looks.”

Weakness: Extreme Heights

Gender: male

W.T.D: Plays Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for Xbox Live.

Rank: 5( out of 10 agents)

Agent Eve


 Name: Eve Balomanka Fitz

Motivation: Deppressed Singles

Motto: ” Know what to do before making any actions”

Weakness: Happy people

W.T.D: Tells people fortunes

Rank: 3 ( out of ten agents)

Agent BOSS



Name: Theodore George Washington

Motivation: Unemployed Americans

Motto: ” If you ask me someone should  be punished!

Weakness: weight loss programs

Gender: male

W.T.D: Orders his empoyees around, and eats 5 ton burgers each day for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Rank: #1( out of ten agents)