Portuguese Proverbs and Idioms

Proverbs from


1. ” A house without a dog or a cat is the house of a scoundrel”

2. ” Visits always give pleasure- if not arrival the departure”

3. ” Live to live and you will have learned to live”

4. ” There is a remedy for everything ; it is called death”

Proverbs from


1. A ragged colt may make a handsome horse.

2. A good year is determined by its spring.

3. A little leak will sink a great ship.

4. A rich widow weeps with one eye and laughs with the other.

Idioms from Depauw University

1. Head of garlic.

2. Dog that barks doesn’t bite.

3. Here they’re made, here they’re paid.

4. This is too much sand for my truck.

5. From very small the cucumber is bent.

Idioms from


1. Women and sardines, you want them all to be small.

2. You are here you are eating

3. Monkeys bite me. . .!




Japanese Proverbs

This is my class project and we need to write down interesting proverbs from the country that we are doing in class.

Proverbs/Quots from Japan: 

  Literally: stumbling seven times but recovering eight.

Meaning: perseverance is better than defeat.

Equivalent: perseverance is the key.

 Literally: after the rain, earth hardens

Meaning: Adversity builds character. After a storm, things will stand on more solid ground than they did before.

If the father is a frog, the son will be a frog.

Even a sheet of paper has two sides.
Source: (Japanese)

If money be not thy servant, it will be thy master.
Source: (Japanese)

A smile is worth a thousand words.

Your smile determines how you see and think about the world around you.

Ones that would not work in our society:

Beat your wife on the wedding day, and your married life will be happy.
Source: (Japanese)

A good husband is healthy and absent.
Source: (Japanese)

Here are my cited sources CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE

Indian Proverbs and Sayings

These are some sayings from India that I really liked

  • Once out of the throat it spreads over the world.
  • If you live in the river you should make friends with the crocodile.
  • A person who misses a chance and the monkey who misses its branch can’t be saved
  • A single blow of a blacksmith is equal to a hundred blows of a goldsmith.
  • Living in water and being an enemy of the crocodile is not good.
  • A thief is a thief, whether he steals a diamond or a cucumber. 
  • Self praise is no praise.
  • What is play to one is death to another.
  • One who cannot dance blames the floor.
Websites I used: vinobalan.tripod.com, hamara-bandhan.org
Another good site for translation is bharatonline.com

Jamaican Sayings and Proverbs

Jamaican Sayings and Proverbs

‘When trouble ketch yu pickney shut fit yu”
Any port in a storm

“What a fi yu, cyaan be un fi yu'”

What is yours will always be yours

”Duppy know who fi frighten”’

People know who they can intimidate

Rock stone a river bottom cyaan know sun hot

He who feels it knows it


German Proverbs

Here are some German proverbs that can give us a peak into their culture.

  • Striking the iron while it is hot
  • To see the forest for the trees
  • His bark is worse than bite
  • Better a sparrow in the hand than the  pigeon on the roof
  • The devil is in the detials
  • Looking for a needle in a haystack                

 This is a link to the website I got these from.  Just click here.

Here is some more proverbs from a diffrent website.

  • Age does not protect from foolishness
  • Barking dogs don’t bite
  • To saw off the branch you are sitting on
  • The last shirt has no pockets

Here is a link to the website I got these proverbs.  just click here.

Culture Study-Israeli Proverbs

  1. Ask about your neighbors, then buy the house.
  2. Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side.
  3. God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers
  4. Don’t be too sweet lest you be eaten up; don’t be too bitter lest you be spewed out.
  5. If you can’t go over, you must go under.
  6. Never trust the man who tells you all his troubles but keeps from you all his joys.
  7. Loneliness breaks the soul.
  8. What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t invent with your mouth.
  9. You can’t force anyone to love you or lend you money.
  10. When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry